[About the Genepop Web Project]

Welcome to the Genepop web site! This option uses Genepop version 4.7.5.

Before submitting this form, select your sub-option and output options, then add your datafile. Please note that the datafile size for the web version is limited to 50 loci and 100 populations. If you have a larger datafile, you will need to download the PC version and run it locally.

If you find this site useful please let us know by adding an entry to our guest book. If you have any problems with the site, please submit a bug report.

NOTICE: The Email option is now working again. Thank you for your patience while we worked out the problem.

option1 option2 option3 option4 option5 option6 option7 option8
Basic Information
Basic Information
1. Genotypic matrices, number obs/exp homozygotes and heterozygotes, allele frequencies, etc
Gene diversities & Fis:
2. Using allele identity
3. Using allele size

Estimation ploidy for multilocus estimates:


Please Note : suboption 3 assumes allele sizes are proportional to 2-Digit or 3-Digit allele entries in data file
Email the results. Address: 
HTML - Plain Text
Data Input
Choose a datafile to upload or paste the datafile into the text box below

Problems with this website should be reported to Dr Ross Graham
Curtin University

Last Modified December 8, 2020